This is how I Learn, Ya.

Throughout my university career I have discovered that I learn best through visuals and hand-on experiences. It kind of makes sense as a person with an interest in physical education, as I am usually one that needs and likes to get involved in activities in order to gain a better understanding of the concept I am trying to grasp. I have noticed through some of my university classes that I am a poor auditory learner, and can only stay focused for a little amount of time. I am much more stimulated and engaged when there is something to see and try for myself. Because of that reason, I think my learning project will correlate well with my learning styles. In trying to teach myself different poses, I have been watching and following a long with videos in attempt to learn the different poses.

My favourite video so far in learning how to execute crow pose is posted my Neil Keleher:
Because this pose focuses greatly on opening the hips, I have been doing stretches that stretch the muscles to complete this pose. I’ve also just been spending time in these two positions. In doing this, I am working to get my body familiar to the position it needs to be to complete this pose.

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Happy Monday all!